Pine Barrens Post is hosting an event in making your very own Tapered Beeswax Candles!
Limited spaces available.
This workshop will consist of a small presentation from Lauren, making your own tapered candles with Pine Barrens Post very own beeswax, ability to shop Pine Barrens Post products and enjoy some drinks and snacks.
About Pine Barrens Post:
Pine Barrens Post started in 2018 as a landsharing effort to make the Pine Barrens more accessible. We continue to enjoy hosting friends that are just as passionate about the Pines.
Pine Barrens Post has grown into a thriving mini-homestead where we have expanded into beekeeping, chicken/duck tending, gardening, food preservation, foraging, herbalism, and maple syrup production.
We grow medicinal herbs on a small organic plot nearby and transform them into the products you see listed here.